About Loyal 2 local

Loyal 2 Local is on a mission to create a culture of support and awareness of the importance of the small business community.

Our vision is to engage as many local businesses as possible and share what they have to offer along with the ways they give back to our community.

Who We Are

Loyal 2 Local has the support of more than 100 local businesses in the Dickinson area.

Each year the group collaborates to raise awareness about the benefits of shopping locally and all the member businesses have to offer to our community through marketing messages on social media, signage, events, radio, and print ads.

We are advocates for the business community in the Dickinson Area.

Our growing business community offers retail shopping, services, dining, and entertainment experiences.

We encourage all community residents, businesses, and organizations to support our local businesses.

Together we can make an impact for a brighter future in our community.

Want to learn more?

Contact any of our Loyal 2 Local Planning Committee members.

Staff: Mindy Meyers
Call: 920-379-6611
Email: loyaltolocal@daeda.org